[PostPravДa] Today, the Kremlin-controlled media in Moscow read, among other things, that former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev once again showed a map of Ukraine, with territories annexed to Russia. All this on “the occasion of Russia Day,” – we read. There’s also an announcement of a meeting between the president of the Russian Federation and the leader of Turkey, as well as a piece on the “revolt in Germany.” The regime’s media in Russia have been focusing most of their attention on new regulations designed to make life more difficult for non-governmental organizations, particularly those deemed by the Kremlin to be undesirable and contrary to the official line of the state. Repression will also be applied to foreigners within the Russian Federation. It can be expected that this will be an argument for many Ukrainians living in the occupied territories to finally agree to accept a Russian passport. Without it, they will have to leave “the country” after 90 days.
About it wszystkim opowiada Państwu codziennie Jędrzej Morawiecki. Oto propagandowa prasówka z Moskwy. Nagłówki z dnia 12.06.2024, 840. dzień od inwazji Rosji na Ukrainę.
Propaganda press release from Moscow
“Armenia and the U.S. will elevate mutual relations to a strategic partnership.”
“Duda called for starting the procedure for Ukraine’s admission to NATO as soon as possible.”
“Medvedev added a map with Ukraine annexed to our homeland to his congratulations on Russia Day.”
“Putin will meet with Erdogan in Astana in July.
“The tradition of selfless aid in Russia has deep roots, Putin said.”
“The Nicaraguan government sent a congratulatory letter on the occasion of Russia Day.”
“Germany stood on the brink of revolt.”
“Lukashenko called for the 2025 elections to be held ‘so that a fly doesn’t sit down.’
Homeland News:
“The State Duma has approved in the first reading a package of laws concerning undesirable organisations. (…) Participation in the work of any undesirable organisation is punishable by: a fine of up to 500,000 roubles; imprisonment of up to 4 years; imprisonment of up to 6 years – for organising its activities. (…) In addition, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a draft law on the recognition of undesirable organisations established by foreign state bodies. The Chairman of the State Duma Security Committee, Vasily Piskariov, stressed that the State Duma Committee to Investigate Foreign Interference in Russia’s Internal Affairs had revealed the facts of destructive activity: Association for Northern Territories, British Council and Deutsche Welle. Duma deputy Nikita Chaplin, in turn, told RIA Novosti that the adoption of the documents is an important step in ensuring Russia’s security and sovereignty, all the more so as there is tremendous pressure on the youth from abroad.”
“The State Duma Committee has approved a draft law introducing a system of expulsion of migrants. (…) They will not be able to change their place of residence or stay in the Russian Federation without the permission of the internal affairs authority, travel outside the subject of the Russian Federation where they live, drive, acquire property and marry. It is also proposed to reduce the period of stay of foreigners in the Russian Federation to 90 days”.
“Former lawyer Ilya Novikov was sentenced in absentia to 8.5 years in prison for false information about the Russian army. (…) In addition, the FSB reported that a treason case had been opened against the lawyer for turning to the side of the enemy. According to the investigation, the accused joined the territorial defence in Ukraine and engaged in propaganda activities there. (…) Recall that Novikov defended Ukrainian Nadezhda Savchenko, convicted of involvement in the deaths of Russian journalists, Norwegian Frude Berg, accused of espionage, and student Yegor Zhukov, tried for involvement in illegal demonstrations.”
“In Kuban, a man slit a horse’s throat because the animal deliberately knocked him off its back twice.”
“A resident of Sterlitamak fell from a high-rise building, but managed to get up and walked on. (…) Earlier, a similar case occurred in the neighbouring town of Salawat, where a man fell from a high-rise building onto a bench, picked himself up with a loud roar and walked away.”
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