Last week, Russian propaganda hoped for the success of the spectacle that was to be the meeting of journalists from “unfriendly” countries, i.e. Western countries, with Vladimir Putin. The response in the world media was poor, but what we got instead were bizarre texts, written for the citizens of Russkiy Mir. What did we learn from them? Propagandists admit that there were a handful of journalists. Those from the West – eight people. They were transported by bus so that, as Moskovsky Komsomolets wrote, ‘they could take advantage of a unique opportunity and hear the truth from the mouth of the president himself.’ Putin kept them waiting for half a day, and then sympathized greatly with the journalists. He said nothing new to the ‘hostile’ media, laughed instead, confessed that Russia had never threatened or threatened anyone, and explained to a DPA journalist that Germany had never been a sovereign state. The propagandists rolled a snide remark at the Reuters journalist and repeatedly stressed that she ‘had not prepared for the meeting at all.’ In addition, as we learn from Moscow Komsomolt: ‘Vladimir Putin gave all the journalists present detailed and, it must be said, extremely optimistic answers to all the questions asked.’
What else? Medvedev saw the devil again, Orthodox TV reported on the resurrection of a Russian soldier, investigators hunted for ‘the strongest hags’ and ‘saboteurs,’ although at the same time one judge flew out the window, and the head of Gazprom talked to Putin about a triumphant pipe and a void to our liking. But one step at a time.